
BT’s Give As You Earn scheme offers a helping hand to Northern Ireland charities this Christmas

6th December 2012

Representatives from five Northern Ireland charities were invited to BT Riverside Tower to accept donations from the BT Northern Ireland Staff Charity Trust. The Trust administers the fund which is supported by monthly donations made by BT people through their payroll.

The members choose where the money goes and this year a lump sum has been distributed to the NI Children’s Hospice, NI Hospice, Childline NI, Lighthouse and East Belfast SOS.

The BT Northern Ireland scheme is part of BT’s Give As You Earn (GAYE) scheme which is recognised as one of the most successful direct payroll giving schemes in the UK and Ireland.

In 2011/2012, some £2.9 million in cash was donated directly by BT people and alongside a one million pound donation from BT made a total of around £3.9 million donated through Give As You Earn.