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Global Enterprise

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Global Enterprise

We need co-location and I’d like to outsource other parts of our IT but will a third-party data centre give us the level of service we need?

There is no shortage of service providers offering co-location and hosting services, but it's your infrastructure and systems that they want to commoditise. You are right to be wary about what you hand over and to whom.

With our portfolio of Data Centre Services we have the capabilities to run and manage the complete infrastructure stack, from the network, servers and storage to the application layer. We also have the data centres, more than 45 across the world, carrier neutral and ready to play host to any network or combination of networks, providing high-speed interconnections that are seamless and resilient.

Our managed services are accredited to the highest industry standards and our partnerships with leading ICT vendors means any requirement is within our scope. Our enterprise-class virtual data centre services provide infrastructure that is optimised for efficiency at an affordable price.